Red River County is separated from Oklahoma by the Red River and from Arkansas by Bowie County. It occupies 1,054 square miles of the northeast Texas timberlands. The gently rolling terrain is drained by the Red River and the Sulphur River, which form its northern and southern boundaries. Archeological evidence indicates that portions of the county lands were occupied by Indians as early as the Late Archaic Period, around 1500 B.C. At the time of first European contact, the area was occupied by the Caddo Indians, an agricultural people with a highly developed culture. During the last decade of the eighteenth century, due to epidemics that decimated the tribe and problems with the Osages, the Caddos abandoned the villages they had occupied for centuries. During the early 1820s bands of Shawnee, Delaware, and Kickapoo Indians immigrated into what is now Red River County, settling along the banks of the creeks that still bear their names.
The first Europeans to enter the county were Frenchmen under the command of Jean Baptiste Bénard de La Harpe during an expedition from 1718–19. The French established Le Poste des Cadodaquious in the territory of present-day Bowie County. During the decades when small groups of French soldiers, hunters, trappers, and traders occupied the fort, they probably passed through Red River County on numerous occasions.
More coming soon on the design created for this beautiful Red River County ranch.