FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact Stephanie M. Chambers, Director of Marketing

Chambers Architects attends health and wellness sessions at Leadership Texas: Aging in Place

Recently in Corpus Christi, our architectural firm presented Living Green, The Principles of Sustainable Design to the 2011 Class of Leadership Texas (LT), which anchored their meetings’ topic of Sustainability and the Environment. Continuing the LT 2011 journey of Leading With Strength Into the Future, we traveled with this class to San Antonio on November 17, 2011 for the final session for an up-close and personal look at San Antonio, immigration, and inter-cultural communities. The class members visited the Institute of Texas Cultures where they were privileged to observe a very moving citizenship and naturalization ceremony. The Annual Meeting of LT Board and Alumni was held in conjunction the graduation of this 2011 LT Class. The topic of the Annual Meeting also dealt with another type of culture, the culture of Health and Wellness—how to build communities that contribute to wellness at every age, particularly in aging citizens.

Outstanding speakers and topics at the Annual Meeting included:

• The Honorable Henry Cisneros, former Under Secretary of State and Mayor of San Antonio;
• The Honorable Julian Castro, current Mayor of San Antonio;
• Jane Hickie, JD, Sr. Research Scholar & Director, Politics, Scholars and Public Program at Stanford University;
• Dr. S. Liliana Oakes, MD, CMD, Associate Professor, UTHSC San Antonio.

Single level sustainable/accessible Dallas home, designed by Stephen B. Chambers Architects, Inc.

Single level sustainable/accessible Dallas home, designed by Stephen B. Chambers Architects, Inc.

The Honorable Henry Cisneros and Dr. Hickie’s presentation, Planning to Stay: New Visions for Aging in Place, discussed how Americans are aging in traditional housing and communities designed for yesterday’s demographics, not those of today or the future. In presenting research from their collaborative book entitled Independent for Life: Homes and Neighborhoods for an Aging America, Mr. Cisneros and Dr. Hickie confirmed our design philosophy that architects play a leading role in creating innovative strategies for transforming the culture around human aging. No longer should we accept “warehousing” as a phase in aging. Rather, we can design homes and communities with the infrastructure to support the strongest quality of life possible, at all ages in human development. Our firm feels strongly that “aging in place” is one more strategy to create a larger schematic for sustainable living, enhancing life for people of all ages and the environment. Part One of the “Aging in Place” series by Stephen B. Chambers Architects, Inc. may be found by connecting to this link.

Leadership Texas

Family living area in home with 'universal design' features: daylighting, high contrast in floors and walls, open/accessible spaces, task lighting, low maintenance interiors and landscape

Family living area in home with ‘universal design’ features: daylighting, high contrast in floors and walls, open/accessible spaces, task lighting, low maintenance interiors and landscape

Leadership Texas, a program of Women’s Resources, is the longest-running women’s leadership program in the U.S. Since 1983, Leadership Texas has been providing valuable education and travel/study opportunities to Texas women leaders who seek to improve their leadership capacities and expand their knowledge of the diverse issues, dynamics and cultures that impact the State of Texas. LT brings together Texas women who have demonstrated their leadership ability in their profession, community and/or workplace. The vision of the program is to identify and develop Texas’ women leaders by providing them with essential information, an awareness of ongoing changes, sharpened skills and an enduring network of women from diverse backgrounds. Participants also benefit from establishing relationships and becoming part of a national network of more than 3,000 program graduates.

Leadership Texas participants explore a wide range of topics and futuristic issues, including those in science and technology, education, business, government, the environment and the economy. The curriculum also includes leadership enhancement through interactions with state and national experts, presentations by outstanding speakers and on-site visits to major business, education and cultural centers. Through exposure to a diversity of information and ideas, participants increase their understanding of the challenges and opportunities that leaders face in both the private and public sectors. Leadership Texas sessions incorporates each city as a backdrop for presentations and discussions of current state issues with local and state leaders and experts.

About Steve Chambers

Steve has been a licensed Texas architect since 1975 and is a principal and founder of Stephen B. Chambers Architects, Inc., an architectural firm that specializes in residential design, remodeling, and historic renovation. He is also a licensed interior designer. Stephen B. Chambers Architects, Inc. believes in using the principles of Sustainable Design and Universal Design. He understands the process of residential design, from conceptualization through construction. He recognizes that listening to what his clients need and collaborating with them to design their homes can produce superior results. His signature talent is the ability to generate a variety of creative solutions, realizing that excellent design can be achieved in many ways and styles.
